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Our Future Leaders

Climate Cafe Members, Organizers, & Alums


Jaedin G. 

Jaedin Guldenstern is a farmer, activist, painter, sibling, and friend. She grew up throughout the Merrimack River Watershed from the woods and mountains of New Hampshire to the rivers and salt marshes of Massachusetts. Cozied up with poetry, coffee, and an extra fuzzy blanket in Shari's cottage, the salt marsh and Climate Café team have been a sacred place of creativity, connection, and action over the past decade. Jaedin graduated from Boston University with a degree in Sociology and a degree in Art, in addition to studying human rights in Argentina. Jaedin works on Star Island, NH doing commercial composting and wastewater/freshwater work in the middle of the ocean. She is officially a mermaid.

Hannah G.

Hannah Grinnell recently graduated from Connecticut College with a degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in English. In her free time, you can find her going for walks in the woods, frequenting bookstores, or watching sunsets.

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Ella N.

Ella Niederhelman is a journalist at the Ipswich Local News. She spends her free time writing, spending time with her family and dog, and going to the beach to swim and surf. As elected secretary of the Ipswich High School class of 2024, a dedicated member of Sunrise Ipswich, and the co-president of the IHS Environmental Club/Green Team, she strives to collaborate and educate community members on the climate crisis. Niederhelman was certified in October 2021 as a climate ambassador with the Harvard T.H. Chan C-CHANGE program and Climate For Health Organization. She will continue work this summer as the intern in the climate communications department of the Harvard T.H. Chan School and as a Girls In Science Fellow at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

David S.

My name is David Seaton and I represent West Newbury, at the Massachusetts Democratic Convention. In this position, I have worked with Massachusetts state elected officials to solve issues of pollution and environmental injustice, affecting the Merrimack River Valley. I enjoy biking, reading and writing. As a member of The Sunrise Movement, I have helped to elect over 30 climate oriented candidates to public office, across the country. I will continue to bring youth into the fight to protect our planet as Co-President of the IHS Environmental Club.

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Abigail M. 

Hi, I'm Abigail! The beginning of my path to my career in sustainability was with Gulf of Maine Institute and climate cafes when I was a sophomore in high school! I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2020 with a Bachelors in Sustainable Community Development and a Masters in Sustainable Building Systems. I currently work as a Sustainability Project Consultant for an engineering consulting firm where I help to certify Green Buildings in LEED, WELL, Living Building Challenge, etc.

Rose R.

Though she's no longer gathering on Shari's back porch to talk about the moon and the marshes, Rose continues to think about the land and its spirit. Currently studying Studio Art at Middlebury College, she has found herself in the throes of love with Vermont. With the Green Mountains to the east and the Adirondacks to the west, inspiration is abundant for her poetry, painting, and pottery.

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Margot K.

Hi! My name is Margot Kelly and I have been involved with the Climate Cafes since 2018. I am currently a freshman at Skidmore College pursuing an environmental studies major along with an english literature minor! When I'm home, you can usually find me at Zumi's coffee shop in Ipswich or strolling along the beaches.

Tessa D. 

Hi I'm Tessa Devoe and I'm a 2019 Ipswich HS graduate currently studying Biology at Brown University. My first cafe hooked me in 2017 and I've seen the world differently ever since. I love learning from my incredible peers and can’t wait to see where we go next!


Katie B.

I am a senior at Masconomet High School and my passions for environmentalism stem from my love of nature. I've hiked all 48 4,000 foot mountains in NH, love mountain biking, skiing, and any outdoor pursuits. I am a river warden for the IRWA and am filming an educational documentary about pollution and ecology of the Fish Brook Tributary.

Veronica M.

Hi, I’m Veronica, and I’m a senior at Pentucket High School! When I’m not fighting for climate justice, you can find me waitressing in Newburyport or going for bike rides with my friends!


Mei B.

Hi everyone! I am a member of the Ipswich Class of 2020 and I will be attending American University in the fall majoring in international relations! I love the beach, traveling, and spending time with friends.

Kendall B. 

Hi! My name is Kendall Begin and I am a recent alumni of Pentucket High School, where I was a member of the Pentucket Environmental Club. In our club, we have had community service opportunities and sold reusable straws and stickers to raise money for the Clean River Fund. Over the past few years, I have also had the opportunity to attend many climate cafes and talk to people about environmental issues and the many other topics pertaining to that, including sustainability and democracy. Being involved in climate cafes has given me a sense of purpose in my community and made me feel as though I am helping protect my home. I think anyone and everyone should have a passion for stopping climate change. The only way we can achieve this is by working together!


Student Project

Exploring Space

Place always plays a role in the experience one has in connecting with the resources it has to offer. After years spent living on the coast of Massachusetts, I made my way down to Patagonia, Chile to one of the last frontiers to learn what it's like living in a place so far removed from cities and so close to nature. Under the guidance of Patagonia Adventure Expeditions as a ginnie pig for a Gap Year program, I underwent an awaking of how much work goes into staying alive. Whether that be, collecting water from the glacial stream, carrying 40 pound backpacks filled with potatoes and flour or simply keeping the house warm with a fire, all of these small daily tasks formed the simplistic lifestyle so many of us have become so far removed from.

During my 6 month long stay, of which was extended due to the Coronavirus outbreak, I choose to begin a project of creating a visual map of the area we lived amongst. The creation of this painted map, was to express the dynamic and patternistic environment the wild around us pronounced as well as give guidance to new people on the ranch to where the trails lead to and the types of tertian to expect. I spent weeks walking with my sketchbook through old growth forests, boggy wetlands and crossing over rocks to create the map. Through helpful conversation from locals and referencing to the World Atlas, I soon was realizing just how unaccounted for this area of land was. I felt a sort of invigoration for exploration and after many versions and alterations, I made what I considered to be the visual representation of an ancient yet thriving ecosystem that was the end of the Colonia Valley. 

The second project of mine, long extended past my stay due to post production. It was a passion project of collecting the sounds and sights of my experience through fillm. The project had no exact shape when I was filming the clips, I was just in the moment there and wanting to capture special glimpses of the beautiful way of life the Patagonians created. Once home, I had more of an idea of what story I wanted to tell. This was a story of movement, a story told from the present and also a story that showed the passing of time. Through Seasons and Time, is a story of what life used to be like, and frankly what it's still like I'm places like Patagonia. Where hard work is essential and living amongst the elements is natural to the rhythm of the people. In this short film I was lucky enough to have two friends of mine create original music. A big thank you to Jacob Sweeney and Daniel VanBoom for creating such a fitting soundtrack. 

If interested in learning more, please follow me along on my artistic journey by following my instagram page @baileyfogelart

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